
Studio 14


In 2010 Andrea Panzieri - Architect and Diego Bassetti - Designer, joined forces with the design studio RARI whose founder is Bruno Rainaldi to create the design studio "Studio 14".
The number 14 is a symbol of the childhood of the two artists (Diego and Andrea), who were born in the same street, number 14.
One of the strong points that distinguishes Studio 14 is their ability to take on projects from different disciplines such as architecture, interior design, product design, exhibition design, art direction and graphic design, all supported by "good planning and organisational skills" and a focus on the artistic and graphic side of things.
They work with leading companies in the field of lighting and furniture, including Kundalini with the Louis model and Terzani.

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"Their multidisciplinarity is supported by "good planning and organisational skills" and an emphasis on the artistic and graphic side of things."