
Alex De Witte


Alex de Witte was born on the southwest coast of the Netherlands in 1976. In 2003, Alex graduated from the Artemis Academy in Amsterdam, where he studied the universal values of beauty perception in people and animals.

Alex de Witte is fascinated by the universal value of beauty and how to influence it.

One of Alex's latest works is Big Bubble, a very large blown glass lighting object, similar to a bubble. Each piece is unique, between 90 and 105 cm for the largest and between 40 and 45 cm for the smallest (Baby Bubble). This project won first prize at the Design District Amsterdam 2013, The Design Plus 2014 and Red Dot Design 2014.

"It's fascinating to see how people have a global community perception of beauty. As scientific studies have shown over the years, symmetry, repetition, balance and harmony with nature affect people's perception of perfection. As a designer, my quest is to try to influence the phenomenon of beauty that is in the eye of the beholder. I try to play with the general perception of beauty and open people's minds in this process."

Alex de Witte keeps forcing his own perspective and therefore that of the spectator, by distorting the perception of form and form.
Alex pushes the limits of capturing the perfect moment in the process of a new work.

Each time, Alex first sets strict limits as part of a new design process. Once this domain has been defined taking these limitations into account, it seeks symmetry and balance that will determine the final shape of the new design.

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"It's fascinating to see how people have a global community perception of beauty.“